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Alea Jacta Est Download Code


About This Game “ALEA JACTA EST” (The Die is Cast) is what Caesar said as he crossed the Rubicon River when he learned that the Senate had removed him from his command. Crossing that small Italian river was equivalent to disobeying Rome’s orders and entering into open rebellion.The great confrontation with Pompey was about to begin… One of them would become the Master of Rome, and the other would die…Alea Jacta Est is the first historical strategy game on the PC to cover the main Roman civil wars, created by a dedicated team of experts to bring the epic battles that pitted Romans against Romans in conflicts such as those between Rome, Sertorius, and Mithridates.With an incredible level of rich historical detail and historical accuracy, it is one of the few strategy games where the player must face the real dilemmas and challenges of the Romans during the time. Not only must you build and train armies, maneuver them and engage the enemy, but you must also maintain an economic and diplomatic balance with your neighbors.Using the successful and famous AGE engine, Alea Jacta Est covers the whole of Europe, Northern Africa, and part of Eastern Europe, part of more than 2,800 regions, complete with cities, roads, fortifications, weather types, tribes and kingdoms of the time of the scenario. Featuring 5 campaigns from 87 BC to 197 AD, hundreds of historical leaders, units and events, Alea Jacta Est is a must-have for any grand strategy fan.FeaturesAncient Command System (based on the Wars in America system), allowing for a good representation of historical army command in the Roman era.Quick and simple system of Construction of Units, allowing players to choose and purchase their forces as they wish (or can).Decisions features, playable on the map, like wild cards assetsDiversified set of historical events, allowing multiple choices events and options, hereby enhancing flexibility and re-playability.Different updates and other rules, in particular combat system adapted to the Ancient warfare.Map: all of the Roman Empire and neighboring lands, with over 2800 different regions and seas, a lot of room for maneuvers.Over a thousand of leaders and units with specific pictures. 7aa9394dea Title: Alea Jacta EstGenre: Simulation, StrategyDeveloper:AgeodPublisher:Slitherine Ltd.Release Date: 27 Sep, 2012 Alea Jacta Est Download Code alea jacta est po polsku. alea jacta est supply. alea jacta est signification. alea jacta est luis jaime cisneros. alea iacta est adalah. alea non iacta est. alea jacta est parthian wars. alea iacta est wiki english. alea jacta est traduction. alea jacta est wine. alea jacta est tips. alea iacta est traduzione in italiano. alea jacta est game manual. alea jacta est aar. alea jacta est spartacus 73 bc. alea jacta est facebook. alea iacta est google translate. alea jacta est review. arti kata alea jacta est. alea jacta est o que significa em ingles. alea jacta est latin. alea jacta est uttal. alea jacta est signification. alea jacta est bandcamp. alea jacta est ejemplo. alea jacta est dlc. alea jacta est oraciones. alea iacta est latin phrases. alea jacta est significado. download alea jacta est from silence i rise. alea jacta est album. alea jacta est waikuro. alea jacta est quien lo dijo. alea jacta est en 2 lettres. alea jacta est. wikipedia español. alea jacta est blacky. alea jacta est images. alea iacta est torrent. alea jacta est la suerte ya está echada. alea jacta est igg Edit: Pass this game by, the 30 day turns ruin the game and the only purpose they serve is to artificially help the AI. There needs to be a mod or DLC that changes the turn length to a week or so might make this game believable.Old review -Boring and generally a bad design, but it gets points for trying. There are so few real (non-RTS) based strategy games, you could give this one a try. The game is complex and deep, but, by far, the biggest challenge is overcoming the game design. DO NOT PLAY FOR HISTORICAL ACCURANCY. The names, dates, and locations are accurate, but the game play isnt. Ai runs single units around like mice, 30 day turns are used to help AI seem smarter, senarios are made with pre-planned outcomes (no what-ifs). Some of the senerios play out as if it has scripted AI. If the senario wants the AI to get to a town, your army will stop moving. In my current game my army is plotted with a 28 day move up only moves one zone per turn just so the AI can get ahead. IF my army is limited in some way the game should not display my total move as 28 days. I would have returned this game, but I am over the time limit. I recommend people to play for 30 miuntes and if you have ANY doubts, return it without a second thoughtEdit #2: Most importantly, the game is unrealistic and feels broken because of the one month turns. You can have an enemy army on the other side of a river and you decide "I will attack". It might take 2 days to cross the river. Once you end turn you will waste 30 days to start the battle. If the enemy retreats one zone, you are 30 days behind. The Ai will detatch units and run them around your flanks and run across a dozen zone before you can even engage one of their units. No general in history stuck to a one month plan no matter what. This alone makes the game unhistoric. In one of my turns I was determined to use all of my 30 days of my turn and I ran my army around in a circle. This was one of my single greatest turns because I caught so many 1 and 2 unit armies that the AI made. It is unbeliveable to think that Caeser would say -"Ok troops we are going to march North for 30 days." Sergent says -"North Sir? The scouts say the enemy might be on our west flank." Caeser replies - "Well we will march for 30 days and see what happens after that." THIS WHOLE GAME IS BUILT AROUND SEEING WHAT HAPPENS AFTER 30 DAYS HAVE PAST.The game does not make it clear what is important and what isnt. And things that are important are not emphasized. The UI is a pain and is not clear. It took a bit of reading in the maual to figure out the "build" button was actually a little Eagle figure that looks like UI artwork, not a button. I just count that the UI has about 56 differnent elements and all of them look like boxes or buttons, execpt two. WHY JUST THOSE TWO? Its like they got toward the end of the design then saw the UI looked ugly without art work, but simultaneously realized they needed two more buttons. Game designers - "Hey lets throw the players a curve ball and make these two artwork pieces actually buttons! PROBLEM SOLVED!"While playing the first campaign after the tutorial, I have got to a point where all of my armies are immobile ("not active" in game terms) and I cant move anything, and the game does not make it clear why. Obviously there is a reason, but darned if I know it. It is bad when I have to fight 6 armies in this campaign and I cant move any of my own.Edit #1: Forgot to mention how hard it is to read the text on some of the windows. Tiny black text on medium gray background. I cant tell if it is the text reading or the game that is giving me a headache.. None of its games are playable. I mean, none. All of Ageod's games are the same: buggy, UI confusing, runs slowly, crashes time to time. Even they can not make a good tutorial! Learn some modern techniques to build a game, Ageod!. Total War: Rome II is fine for the plebeian masses, but for the true Romanophile there is Alea Jacta Est. Not only does it include some of the more popular conflicts such as Caesar's civil war and the slave revolt of Spartacus (DLC), but also has some of lesser known internal struggles like Marius vs. Sulla, and the year of the four emperors (my personal fav). For those who have never played an AGEOD game before the learning curve may be a little steep, though not nearly as bad as some of the more complicated grand strategy games out there (I'm looking at you HoI3!)So, if you're a fan of Roman history like I am, and are looking for something with a little more depth than, 'march army here, capture city,' this is the game for you!. Simply a beautiful game. At its heart it is very simple and the age engine itself is Imo much easier to learn than some of the Clausewitz games e.g. HOI3. True the tutorial does not explain enough and formulating strategy is the main difficulty and can be very complex in the generally bigger original scenarios. Some of these are quite formidable multi-front affairs (for these its best to look at the AARs on the ageod forum\/youtube). Hence I would advice to get most of the dlc, especially BOR, Spartacus and Parthia. These are smaller, easier to manage affairs generally. (Hannibal is great too, but 2nd Punic war is quite big) (Cantabrian wars is hard). The AI can make mistakes e.g. placing its main army in cities that can fall at a stroke to a successfull siege, and other supply stuff, but overall it is pretty capable and can be a worthy adversary\/ and can win sometimes. But what I really enjoy about these strategy games is how much history I have learned from them. Like whether Pompey was right to go to the East and the pros\/cons of adapting the corvus boarding devise to the Quinqereme ship. I also love the alternative history (but based on facts) Caesar's revenge scenario against Parthia (easy Roman whitewash :) ). I cannot emphasise how much it has taught me and makes me want to read more. In summary a true Roman game for true Romans :). Bought the game, played for three hours and despite an i7 processor and SSD this game ran at a 'steady' 5 FPS making it an unforgettably horrific experience. A pity... because this is a great game with a lot to offer strategy fans. Hopefully will be fixed in the future in which case I'll gladly buy it again, but in this state it's unplayable.. Sorry guys, I wanted to like this game. If I ever learn it, I may even still. However, the game is not for me. Overly complicated management systems are fine when they are less obfuscated. The tutorial teaches you the very basics, and then you are thrown into a set up limited turn scenario where you cannot waste turns figuring things out. I cannot figure out how the economy works. Some of that may just be that I am currently playing multiple games and don't want to spend the hours trying to learn it. There are only a couple lets plays, and they move pretty quickly and either don't explain, or spend 15 minutes explaining the history of a feature in Roman civilization rather than how it functions in game. I get it, some REALLY love Rome. I enjoy but not on that level. Basically, I learned the paradox games no problem, but this one remains vague.To top it off, the game engine is a pig. You resolve a turn, and the game basically freezes until you get to a battle screen. Turns take 30 seconds to a minute depending. I hear that the game this engine is from "Pride of Nations" was much worse. I really want to try the Civil War 2 game based on the engine, I am just afraid at that price that I won't be able to learn it. I have limited gaming time these days with kids/wife etc, and don't want to spend a week of gaming time learning a system. The game looks nice, although I have to play in in a crappy low res because the ffonts are so small I couldn't read it. The game is all about reading text and figures, and I couldn't. Not only size, but the particular font didn't blend well with the backgrounds thru my tv. I play paradox games at 1080 with no problem, so I'm not exactly blind. I applaud the developers, and I'm sure there is a really nice game here. For me, as a moderate wargame tactical fan, it is just too much when coupled with the bad UI and long turns that you cant even scroll the map during. If I ever find the impetus to learn the game and put some time into it, I may change my vote. Not bad, but not for everyone. Romanophiles and serious warsim people may enjoy a bit more, or if you have some experience with the engine, which I do not.. Interesting game if you like to learn about the history of the Roman empire. Bought the game, played for three hours and despite an i7 processor and SSD this game ran at a 'steady' 5 FPS making it an unforgettably horrific experience. A pity... because this is a great game with a lot to offer strategy fans. Hopefully will be fixed in the future in which case I'll gladly buy it again, but in this state it's unplayable.. The engine is slow...never quite sure if the game has froze or still loading. the turns are slow and laggy. The game play its self is poor. Unless you like a laggy game that constantly over rides your orders and does what it wants anyway then hands you your\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665the moment you start to turn things around this game isn't for you. I have invested enough hours to assess this game as a boat anchor.. I recommend this game if you get it cheap in a bundle, or you're a wargame fanatic. Otherwise, beware.The goodExtremely detailedHistorically accurate, probably to a faultHas everything grognards want in a wargameClean visuals for the type of game it isThe badProbably bore a Total War fan to tearsTurns can take forever to resolveSome of the translations are iffyResource management can be a full-time job


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